School Policies
Birthday Treats
LME Birthday Celebrations
One of the great LME traditions is acknowledging each student on his or her birthday. We announce the birthday child’s name on the morning announcements, classes sing the “Happy Birthday” song, the principal delivers a book marker to the classroom. If families/guardians choose to send something to class with their student, we strongly encourage you to send non-food items. Please consider sending a gift to the class such as:
- A game for the classroom
- A classroom book (A nice touch would be having your child pick it out, sign it, and date it)
- Send an item for each child in the classroom to keep such as pencils, pens, erasers, markers, etc.
Please do not send cupcakes, donuts or sheet cakes for your child’s birthday treat. These items are not commercially wrapped and do not meet district food service guidelines.
Drop Off / Pick Up
Student Drop Off/Pick Up Parking Policy
Student Drop Off
If you are using curbside to drop off your child in the morning please stay in your vehicle and let your child exit the car in a timely manner. Always pull as far forward as possible to make room for other vehicles. This will ensure that we can keep traffic moving, creating less congestion.
Student Pick Up
There is curbside pick up after school. Parents picking up students after school must pull up to the curb, you may not park your vehicle and come into the building unless you have permission to do so with the office staff. Students are dismissed at 2:20 P.M. and must be picked up by 2:30 P.M.
If there are changes to your student's transportation plan, please let your student's teacher know via email or call the office at 763-272-2600 before 1:30 P.M., so we can accommodate your request. Thank you!
All students have at least one daily outdoor recess. Students are expected to dress properly for outdoor recess. Flip flops are not allowed at recess. During winter months, they should have snow pants, boots, hat, scarf, and mittens. During recess, students will go outside to play except for the following reasons (according to conditions at 11 am):
- Rainy weather
- Cold weather - students will not be required to go outside if outside temperature is below zero or if the wind-chill factor is 10 below zero or colder.
Students who are recovering from an illness will need a note from home if they are to stay indoors at recess time. If students must stay in for a longer duration (more than 3 days) or frequently because of a medical problem, they must have a doctor’s excuse.