Title I
Title I Information….Helping Students Meet High Standards
What is Title I?
Title I is a compensatory education program for elementary and secondary school children in both public and non-public schools. For 30 years, it has provided supplemental services, mainly in the areas of reading and mathematics, to students experiencing difficulties in those academic areas. It is the largest and one of the most successful federal elementary and secondary education programs in the history of the United States. Over 145 million children nationwide have enjoyed improved academic performance as a result of services provided by Title I programs. It is not a Special Education program. This program helps assure that learners have the opportunity to acquire the skills needed to meet the high standards expected of all students.
How do students qualify for Title I?
Students qualify by classroom teacher recommendation, in-house assessments and research-based assessments. The Title I teacher or paraprofessional works closely with classroom teachers to provide additional academic support. In order to be serviced by Title I, parent/guardian permission is required. Students usually remain in the program for the school year or until the Title I staff and classroom teacher feel that service is no longer needed.
What is the purpose of Title I in Kindergarten?
Research shows that early intervention is the key to preventing reading difficulties for children. In kindergarten, letter recognition along with phonemic awareness (the understanding of beginning and ending sounds, rhyming words and sound blending) are essential for beginning readers. Some children may simply need more time, while others need the additional support/instruction.
What Title I services are provided for my child in Grades 1-5?
The Monticello Title I program has two types of service available for students depending on the needs of the learner. For students who are assessed to be at least one half year below grade level in reading, the reading intervention programs are provided to supplement the regular classroom reading. Instruction is provided by a licensed elementary teacher for 30 minutes, 4 days per week in the Title I Resource room. For students who show evidence of a few gaps in reading, a paraprofessional works with small groups of students in the classroom or media center up to 4 days per week. Math help is mainly provided by paraprofessionals in the classroom setting.
Who do I contact with questions about Title I?
Your child’s classroom teacher works closely with the Title I teachers and paraprofessionals as they support and monitor your child’s learning. Always contact your child’s teacher first. If you have additional questions contact the lead title teacher in your child’s school building.
Little Mountain Elementary – Lisa Ramerth - Lead Teacher (763) 272-2675